An older gentleman working on a jigsaw puzzle while surrounded by books

Think Faster, Remember More: The Essential Guide to Revitalizing Your Brain Health

As we gracefully navigate life’s journey, there’s one organ we mustn’t forget to exercise: our brain. Just as we hit the gym to keep our bodies in shape, our gray matter requires its own kind of workout. And no, we’re not talking about deciding whether to grill steaks or burgers this weekend (though that’s a tough one). We’re talking about …

Older man stretching with friends in a park

Unlock the Secrets to a Pain-Free Workout: The Best Warm-up and Cool-down Routine for Men Over 50

Does the thought of working out immediately spur ideas of stiffness and pain? It shouldn’t! Maybe it’s been a while since you’ve laced up the Nikes, or perhaps you exercise a few days per week. Either way, what you do before and after your workout is the key to a pain-free life. As you age, your warm-up and cool-down routines …

Peeling back a layer to reveal younger skin

How Nitric Oxide Helps Put the Brakes on the Aging Process

Do you feel like you’re getting older at an increasingly rapid pace? While it’s impossible to halt the aging process, there are things we can do to slow it down. What’s the most critical factor in your health and well-being? The typical issues that come to mind are heart health, body weight, blood sugar, blood pressure, and mental fitness. It’s …

Red summer sky

Sleepless in the Summer – How Extended Daylight Affects Our Health

Unless you live in the Northern Hemisphere, you’ll get less sleep for the next several months. The amount of light and darkness affects the timing and regulation of our sleep patterns. With increased daylight hours, our brains delay the production of the sleep hormone melatonin. Most of us stay up later but still wake up at the same time each …

Cupcake with 50th birthday candles

Happy 50th Birthday! Mother Nature Has a Few Gifts for You

Okay, maybe you’re not quite turning fifty, or perhaps you already unwrapped some of Mother Nature’s gifts of aging. Either way, she’s coming for you! Our youth is a time of strength and invincibility. Our bodies are lean, flexible, and resilient. We can stay out late, eat fast food, have an extra couple of beers, recover quickly, and for the …


A Guide to the 3 Best Methods for Improved Bone Health as We Age

Are you a man over 50 looking for ways to improve your bone health and prevent diseases like osteoporosis? Probably not, but maybe you should consider it. Here are some startling statistics which should put osteoporosis in perspective: One in eight men will experience an osteoporosis-related fracture in their lifetime.   Almost 30% of all hip fractures occur in men. …