Too much technology

How an Increasing Reliance on Technology is Slowly Degrading Our Working Memories

Think back to the days of the clamshell phone with the rotary dial and the twenty-foot cord. If you’re not quite that old, harken back to cordless phones when their range extended to most but not all of the rooms in your house. How many numbers could you recall by picking up the phone and dialing? How many phone numbers …


The 5 Building Blocks for Improved Self-Confidence

Do you know what it takes to build self-confidence? We’re talking real confidence, not the fake bravado that’s so prevalent in the world today. Everywhere you look these days, somebody is screaming an opinion or touting their brilliance. That’s not confidence. It’s the brashness of self-doubt. No, what you want is Kung Fu Master self-confidence. Remaining calm, cool, and collected …