Cold weather couple

The Hidden Upside of Cold Weather and Making the Best of Winter

As almost the entire United States is in the throes of frigid temperatures and many of us trudge through knee-deep snow, it’s tough to see the frozen glass half-full. Winter is the season of our discontent. 

We love to complain about winter, but at least this year, the moaning of “we’re stuck inside” doesn’t quite hold the same weight. The cold weather creates a challenge during these times of social-distancing that eliminates many of our communal diversions. With our indoor activities limited, lace up your boots, put on multiple layers, get outside and make the best of winter.

Feeling the burn in the cold

While you sit there daydreaming about a move to Hawaii, your body is continually adapting to the cold environment. Did you know that you’ll burn more calories walking outside in the winter than you do in the summer? Your body has to work harder to generate heat and maintain homeostasis.

The results of several studies show an average increase of caloric burn from exercise by 34 percent when the thermometer dips below freezing compared to 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Not only do we need to regulate our body temperature in the cold, but we must humidify the air we breathe.

That burning feeling in your lungs from the cold is your cells adding moisture to the frigid air. When you blow on your hands to warm them up, the moist air adds to the heating effect. Have you ever noticed how thirsty you are after shoveling snow? It’s because the cells in your windpipe get dehydrated during the humidification process.

*Winter tip: use a humidifier in your home during the winter. The heat from your furnace dries out your indoor air, leading to dry mouth and skin.

The cold makes you smarter

The cold might not raise your IQ, but it does allow your brain to function more efficiently. The reason for this brain boost is the availability of glucose. Glucose is a primary requirement for the functioning of your brain. When your body temperature rises in the hotter months, it uses glucose to cool down. If you’re burning glucose to keep from overheating, the brain has less access to fuel.

Aside from the biology of improving brain function, a Stanford University study shows that the representation of cold temperatures in a photo can improve cognitive abilities. Psychological researchers found that images of cool temperatures led to improved task performance versus a portrait of warmth.

Boosting your immune system

Remember when you were a kid, and your grandmother made you wear a hat to keep from catching a cold? In school, you learned that the common cold is a virus and your hat offered little protection. We are more susceptible to viruses in the winter, but it’s not directly due to low temperatures.

Studies show that chilly conditions activate our immune system and enhance our ability to fight infections. What grandma didn’t realize is that the frigid weather is your defense mechanism, not the enemy. Like the coronavirus, the cold virus spreads while in close contact, indoors with infected people. Also, many viruses like the flu thrive in dry air.

It’s not the winter that gets you. It’s walking into the human petri dish of school, work, stores, and restaurants.

The season of getting busy

If getting out into the brisk air isn’t your idea of a good time, winter is definitely the season of playing between the sheets. What’s better than sharing some body heat with a partner?


Serotonin is a hormone that helps regulate mood, energy, and sleep. This chemical also inhibits sexual desire and function. Maybe you’ve heard of antidepressants called Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRI). These drugs increase the levels of serotonin in the brain, but reduced libido is a side-effect.

The good news, unless you take this antidepressant, is that our brains have a lower turnover of serotonin in the winter. Lower serotonin levels lead to a greater interest in togetherness, and we might even be better at it.

Gimme some skin

They say that absence makes the heart grow fonder. When the temperature drops, we cover our skin and add on the layers. During the summer, tanned skin and shapely bodies bombard us visually. While we love the sights, a different type of immunity develops. We become conditioned to constant stimulation.

Conversely, winter exposure is limited to faces and hands with maybe a peek at the nape of a neck. We begin to wonder what lurks beneath that puffy coat and scarf. As our curiosity piques and the clothes come off, our desire goes into overdrive.

Baby boom

Statistically, in climates that experience cold winters, more babies arrive in the fall. Nine-months prior, their parents spent a lot of time keeping each other warm. Mix in the combination of several party holidays with alcohol consumption and BOOM!

Let’s also not forget that a man’s sperm count increases when the “boys” are a few degrees cooler than body temperature.

A solution for all seasons

It’s never a bad time to improve your cellular health. Why worry about serotonin and stimulation when Revactin can help boost libido, energy, and vitality every day of your life?

As each season comes to pass, we all experience a loss of stamina and performance. You probably don’t run as fast or do as many push-ups as you could ten years ago. Revactin is the nutraceutical for your nether regions that boosts energy and blood flow while ridding your body of harmful free radicals.

Keep going and maintain your best health from head to groin with Revactin.


Take care, even down there.

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